Detailed Description

Implementation of the SpinBase class which contain the data and methods for a block of spin sites.


 Contains the definitions for blocks of spin sites.


enum  Op_t { OpSm = -1, OpSz = 0, OpSp = +1, OpEye = +2 }
 Identifies the three possible spin operators and also represents the shift associated to its action on the quantum number blocks. More...
enum  Side_t { SideLeft = 0, SideRight = 1 }
 Identifies the sides of the DMRG block. More...
enum  Spin_t { SpinOneHalf = 102, SpinOne = 101, SpinNull = -2 }
 Identifies the spin types implemented for this block. More...


#define OpToCStr(OP)   ((OpString.find(OP)->second).c_str())
 Convert the input Op_t to a C-style string. More...
#define OpToStr(OP)   (OpString.find(OP)->second)
 Convert the input Op_t to a C++ string. More...
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