Detailed Description

Postprocessing the DMRGSteps.json data file.

Collaboration diagram for DMRGSteps:


def dmrg_postprocessing.Data._LoadSteps (self)
 Loads data from DMRGSteps.json, if not loaded, and extracts the indices for required data columns. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.Steps (self, header=None)
 Returns a specific column of data of DMRGSteps.json according to the header string or returns a deepcopy of the entire data table. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.StepsHeaders (self)
 Returns the headers of the table in DMRGSteps.json. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.SweepIdx (self, show_all=False)
 Returns the step indices corresponding to the end of a sweep. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.EnergyPerSite (self)
 Calculates the energy per site of the superblock Hamiltonian for all steps. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.NumStatesSuperblock (self, n=None)
 Determines the number of states in the superblock Hamiltonian. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.PlotEnergyPerSite (self, kwargs)
 Plots the energy per site of the superblock Hamiltonian as a function of DMRG steps. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.PlotErrorEnergyPerSite (self, which='abs', compare_with='min', kwargs)
 Plots the error in the energy per site of the superblock Hamiltonian as a function of DMRG steps. More...
def dmrg_postprocessing.Data.PlotLoopBars (self, my_color=None, kwargs)
 Plot vertical lines corresponding to the end of each sweep. More...
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