JSON Utilities

Detailed Description

Python module for reading JSON data files produced by a DMRG.x application.


def dmrg_json_utils.LoadJSONFile (path, appendStr, count=0)
 Loads data from a JSON file and corrects unfinished runs by appending a string to the file. More...
def dmrg_json_utils.LoadJSONDict (path)
 Loads data from a JSON file containing dict entries and corrects unfinished runs by appending "}". More...
def dmrg_json_utils.LoadJSONTable (path)
 Loads data from a JSON file with keys "headers" and "table", and corrects unfinished runs by appending "]}". More...
def dmrg_json_utils.LoadJSONArray (path)
 Loads data from a JSON file represented as an array of dictionary entries and corrects unfinished runs by appending "]". More...
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