Todo List
Member Block::SpinBase::Initialize (const MPI_Comm &comm_in, const PetscInt &num_sites_in, const PetscInt &num_states_in, const PetscBool &init_ops=PETSC_TRUE)
Consider interfacing this to the object constructor.
Member Block::SpinBase::num_reads
Its value is incremented by a call to Retrieve_NoChecks() via Retrieve() and InitializeFromDisk(), and reset to zero by SetDiskStorage().
Member Block::SpinBase::rot_method
Get the method from command line and expand choices
Member dmrg_postprocessing.Data._LoadSpectra (self)
Change the output of DMRG.x from EntanglementSpectra.json to RDMEigenvalues.json
Member DMRGBlockContainer< Block, Hamiltonian >::SingleSweep (const PetscInt &MStates, const PetscInt &MinBlock=PETSC_DEFAULT)
Ensure that all operator data have been dumped to file efficiently. This might require writing a new function that dumps operators without explicitly destroying the block object.
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