Detailed Description

Base class for the implementation of a block of spin sites.

Definition at line 79 of file DMRGBlock.hpp.

#include <DMRGBlock.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for Block::SpinBase:

Public Member Functions

virtual PetscInt loc_dim () const
 Local dimension of a single site. More...
virtual std::vector< PetscScalar > loc_qn_list () const
 Sz sectors of a single site. More...
virtual std::vector< PetscInt > loc_qn_size () const
 Number of states in each sector in a single site. More...
virtual PetscErrorCode MatSpinSzCreate (Mat &Sz)
 Creates the single-site \( S^z \) operator. More...
virtual PetscErrorCode MatSpinSpCreate (Mat &Sp)
 Creates the single-site raising operator \( S^+ \), from which we can define \( S^- = (S^+)^\dagger \). More...
PetscErrorCode Initialize (const MPI_Comm &comm_in)
 Initializes block object's MPI attributes. More...
PetscErrorCode Initialize (const MPI_Comm &comm_in, const PetscInt &num_sites_in, const PetscInt &num_states_in, const PetscBool &init_ops=PETSC_TRUE)
 Initializes block object with input attributes and array of matrix operators. More...
PetscErrorCode Initialize (const MPI_Comm &comm_in, const PetscInt &num_sites_in, const std::vector< PetscReal > &qn_list_in, const std::vector< PetscInt > &qn_size_in, const PetscBool &init_ops=PETSC_TRUE)
 Initializes block object with input attributes and array of matrix operators. More...
PetscErrorCode Initialize (const PetscInt &num_sites_in, const QuantumNumbers &qn_in)
 Initializes block object with an initialized quantum numbers object. More...
PetscErrorCode InitializeFromDisk (const MPI_Comm &comm_in, const std::string &block_path)
 Initializes block object from data located in the directory block_path. More...
PetscErrorCode InitializeSave (const std::string &save_dir_in)
 Initializes the writing of the block matrices to file. More...
PetscErrorCode SetDiskStorage (const std::string &read_dir_in, const std::string &write_dir_in)
 Tells where to read from and save the operators and data about the block. More...
std::string SaveDir () const
 Returns the value of save_dir where the block data will be read from/written. More...
PetscBool SaveInitialized () const
 Tells whether InitializeSave() has been properly called. More...
PetscErrorCode SaveAndDestroy ()
 Save all the matrix operators to file and destroy the current storage. More...
PetscErrorCode SaveBlockInfo ()
 Save some information about the block that could be used to reconstruct it later. More...
PetscErrorCode RetrieveOperator (const std::string &OpName, const size_t &isite, Mat &Op, const MPI_Comm &comm_in=MPI_COMM_NULL)
 Retrieves a single operator. More...
PetscErrorCode Retrieve ()
 Retrieve all the matrix operators that were written to file by SaveAndDestroy() More...
PetscErrorCode EnsureSaved ()
 Ensures that the block matrices have been saved if the block is initialized, otherwise does nothing. More...
PetscErrorCode EnsureRetrieved ()
 Ensures that the block matrices have been retrieved if the block is initialized, otherwise does nothing. More...
PetscErrorCode Destroy ()
 Destroys all operator matrices and frees memory. More...
PetscErrorCode CheckOperatorArray (const Op_t &OpType) const
 Determines whether the operator arrays have been successfully filled with matrices. More...
PetscBool Initialized () const
 Indicates whether block has been initialized before using it. More...
PetscBool Saved () const
 Returns the saved state of all operators. More...
MPI_Comm MPIComm () const
 Gets the communicator associated to the block. More...
PetscInt NumSites () const
 Gets the number of sites that are currently initialized. More...
PetscInt NumStates () const
 Gets the number of states that are currently used. More...
Mat Sz (const PetscInt &Isite) const
 Returns the matrix pointer to the \( S^z \) operator at site Isite. More...
Mat Sp (const PetscInt &Isite) const
 Returns the matrix pointer to the \( S^+ \) operator at site Isite. More...
Mat Sm (const PetscInt &Isite) const
 Returns the matrix pointer to the \( S^- \) operator at site Isite, if available. More...
const std::vector< Mat > & Sz () const
 Returns the list of matrix pointer to the \( S^z \) operators. More...
const std::vector< Mat > & Sp () const
 Returns the list of matrix pointer to the \( S^+ \) operators. More...
const std::vector< Mat > & Sm () const
 Returns the list of matrix pointer to the \( S^- \) operators. More...
PetscErrorCode CheckOperators () const
 Checks whether all operators have been initialized and have correct dimensions. More...
PetscErrorCode CheckSectors () const
 Checks whether sector indexing was done properly. More...
PetscErrorCode MatOpGetNNZs (const Op_t &OpType, const PetscInt &isite, std::vector< PetscInt > &nnzs) const
 Returns the number of non-zeros in each row for an operator acting on a given site. More...
PetscErrorCode MatGetNNZs (const Mat &matin, std::vector< PetscInt > &nnzs) const
 Returns the number of non-zeros in each row for a given matrix. More...
PetscErrorCode MatOpCheckOperatorBlocks (const Op_t &op_t, const PetscInt &isite) const
 Checks the block indexing in the matrix operator op_t on site isite. More...
PetscErrorCode MatCheckOperatorBlocks (const Op_t &op_t, const Mat &matin) const
 Checks the block indexing in the matrix operator op_t on specified matrix matin. More...
PetscErrorCode CheckOperatorBlocks () const
 Checks whether all matrix blocks follow the correct sector indices using MatCheckOperatorBlocks() More...
PetscErrorCode GetOperatorBlocks (Op_t Operator)
 Extracts the block structure for each operator. More...
PetscErrorCode CreateSm ()
 Creates the Sm matrices on the fly. More...
PetscErrorCode DestroySm ()
 Destroys the Sm matrices on the fly. More...
PetscErrorCode RotateOperators (SpinBase &Source, const Mat &RotMatT)
 Rotates all operators from a source block using the given transposed rotation matrix. More...
PetscErrorCode AssembleOperators ()
 Ensures that all operators are assembled. More...

Public Attributes

QuantumNumbers Magnetization
 Stores the information on the magnetization Sectors. More...
Mat H = nullptr
 Matrix representation of the Hamiltonian operator. More...

Protected Member Functions

PetscBool MPIInitialized () const
 Returns PETSC_TRUE if the MPI communicator was initialized properly. More...

Private Types

enum  RotMethod { mmmmult =0, matptap =1 }
 List of possible methods for performing basis transformation. More...

Private Member Functions

PetscErrorCode SaveOperator (const std::string &OpName, const size_t &isite, Mat &Op, const MPI_Comm &comm_in)
 Saves a single operator. More...
PetscErrorCode Retrieve_NoChecks ()
 Private function to retrieve operators without checking for save initialization. More...

Private Attributes

MPI_Comm mpi_comm = PETSC_COMM_SELF
 MPI Communicator. More...
PetscMPIInt mpi_rank
 MPI rank in mpi_comm. More...
PetscMPIInt mpi_size
 MPI size of mpi_comm. More...
Spin_t spin_type = SpinOneHalf
 Type of spin contained in the block. More...
std::string spin_type_str = "1/2"
 Type of spin contained in the block expressed as a string. More...
PetscInt _loc_dim = 2
 Stores the local dimension of a single site. More...
std::vector< PetscScalar > _loc_qn_list = {+0.5, -0.5}
 Stores the Sz sectors of a single site. More...
std::vector< PetscInt > _loc_qn_size = {1, 1}
 Stores the number of states in each sector in a single site. More...
PetscBool init = PETSC_FALSE
 Tells whether the block was initialized. More...
PetscBool init_once = PETSC_FALSE
 Tells whether the block was initialized at least once before. More...
PetscBool mpi_init = PETSC_FALSE
 Tells whether the block's MPI attributes were initialized. More...
PetscBool verbose = PETSC_FALSE
 Tells whether to printout info during certain function calls. More...
PetscBool log_io = PETSC_FALSE
 Tells whether to printout IO functions. More...
PetscInt num_sites
 Number of sites in the block. More...
PetscInt num_states
 Number of basis states in the Hilbert space. More...
PetscBool init_Sm = PETSC_FALSE
 Tells whether the Sm matrices have been initialized. More...
std::vector< Mat > SzData
 Array of matrices representing \(S^z\) operators. More...
std::vector< Mat > SpData
 Array of matrices representing \(S^+\) operators. More...
std::vector< Mat > SmData
 Array of matrices representing \(S^-\) operators. More...
PetscBool init_save = PETSC_FALSE
 Whether saving the block matrices to file has been initialized correctly. More...
PetscBool disk_set = PETSC_FALSE
 Whether SetDiskStorage() has properly set the block storage locations. More...
PetscBool saved = PETSC_FALSE
 Whether the block matrices have been saved. More...
PetscBool retrieved = PETSC_FALSE
 Whether the block matrices have been retrieved. More...
std::string save_dir
 Root directory to read from and write the matrix blocks into. More...
std::string read_dir
 Root directory to read the matrix blocks from during the first access. More...
std::string write_dir
 Root directory to write the matrix blocks into. More...
PetscInt num_reads = 0
 Number of reads from file made for this block. More...
PetscInt nsubcomm = 1
std::vector< PetscMPIInt > site_color
RotMethod rot_method = mmmmult
 Method to use for performing basis transformation. More...

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