PetscErrorCode QuantumNumbers::OpBlockToGlobalRange ( const PetscInt &  BlockIdx,
const PetscInt &  BlockShift,
PetscInt &  GlobIdxStart,
PetscInt &  GlobIdxEnd,
PetscBool &  flg 
) const

Maps the shifted quantum number block index to the global indices [start,end).

The value of flg is set to PETSC_TRUE if the output block exists, PETSC_FALSE otherwise

PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATEObject not initialized. Call Initialize() first.
PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGEGiven BlockIdx is out of bounds [0, num_sectors).
BlockIdxIndex of the quantum number block
BlockShiftShift in quantum number associated to the operator
GlobIdxStartInclusive lower bound index
GlobIdxEndExclusive upper bound index
flgIndicates whether range is non-zero

Definition at line 72 of file QuantumNumbers.cpp.

Referenced by NumStates(), QuantumNumbersIterator::OpBlockToGlobalRange(), and OpBlockToGlobalRangeStart().

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