
Detailed Description

Implementation of the DMRGBlockContainer class which is the core container class for DMRG objects and operations.


struct  Eigen_t
 Storage for information on resulting eigenpairs of the reduced density matrices. More...
struct  Op
 Defines a single operator to be used for performing measurements. More...
class  DMRGBlockContainer< Block, Hamiltonian >
 Contains and manipulates the system and environment blocks used in a single DMRG run. More...


PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode Makedir (const std::string &dir_name)
 Creates a directory named dir_name. More...
bool greater_eigval (const Eigen_t &e1, const Eigen_t &e2)
 Comparison operator for sorting Eigen_t objects by decreasing eigenvalues. More...
bool less_blkIdx (const Eigen_t &e1, const Eigen_t &e2)
 Comparison operator for sorting Eigen_t objects by increasing blkIdx (decreasing qn's) More...


#define CheckInitialization(init, mpi_comm)
 Returns an error if DMRGBlockContainer object is not initialized. More...
#define PrintLines()
 Print out horizontal lines of - characters. More...
#define PRINTLINES()
 Print out horizontal lines of = characters. More...
#define PrintBlocks(LEFT, RIGHT)
 Printout the number of sites in each of the input blocks. More...
 Assign a value into key-variable and throw a proper PETSc error when lookup fails. More...
#define PRINT_VAR(VAR)   std::cout << " " << std::setw(20) << #VAR << " = " << VAR << std::endl;
 Print the value of a given variable name. More...
#define OpIdxToStr(OPTYPE, IDX)   (OpToStr(OPTYPE)+std::to_string(IDX))
 Convert the input operator type and index to string. More...
#define GetOpMats(OPMATS, CORRSIDEOPS, OPID)   (,
 Get the operator matrix corresponding to the given type, size and index. More...
#define MAX_SWEEP_IDX   10000
 Hardcoded maximum number of sweeps to be searched. More...
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